An unforgettable adventure!

The final stage begins at Artiga de Lin. Ahead of us stands the impressive climb [...]

Ready for the Aneto

The second stage of the trek! After resting at the Bordes de Graus campsite, we [...]

Crossing Andorra

Fourth day of this fantastic adventure! Some of us started it a little earlier, when [...]

We’ve experienced it

It’s said mountains are a school of life. In the mountains we learn to live [...]

From Cerdanya to Andorra

Very excited and what joy when we met at the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona. [...]

Quick update before starting

Hi Pyrene Explorer families! We are so happy… this is quickly approaching. After the online [...]

Get ready for the camp

In this Newsletter you will find valuable information to get ready for the Pyrene Explorer [...]

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